FTC Study Reveals Widespread Use of ‘Dark Patterns’ in Websites and Apps


A recent study conducted by the FTC and international consumer protection networks has uncovered alarming statistics on the prevalence of “dark patterns” in subscription-based websites and apps. Dark Patterns are a collection of manipulative design techniques created by Silicon Valley to make it difficult to separate yourself from subscription services.

TechCrunch reports that in an era where digital subscriptions have become increasingly common, consumers are facing a hidden threat: manipulative design techniques known as “dark patterns.” A comprehensive study released on Thursday by the FTC in collaboration with two international consumer protection networks, has shed light on the pervasive use of these deceptive practices in the digital subscription industry.

The study, which analyzed 642 websites and apps offering subscription services, revealed that an overwhelming majority – nearly 76 percent – employed at least one dark pattern. More alarmingly, almost 67 percent of the examined platforms utilized multiple dark patterns, raising serious concerns about consumer protection in the digital marketplace.











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